16 Facts About Fruit That'll Make You Say "Nature Is Weird"

    Almost all fruit as we know it is either a clone or a hybrid.

    1. The colour was named after the fruit, not the other way around.

    2. Speaking of oranges, they actually don't exist in the wild, and are a cross between pomelo and mandarins.

    3. Kiwi fruit contains more vitamin C than oranges.

    4. You can use banana fibre to make paper and fabrics.

    5. Tomatoes are the most popular fruit in the world.

    6. Bananas are naturally slightly radioactive.

    7. Bananas as we know them today are the result of thousands of years of human cultivation; most wild bananas are inedible.

    8. Roses produce fruit – that's what rosehips are!

    9. Originally, the word "pineapple" was used to refer to what we now know as pinecones. When Europeans first came across the fruit in the Americas, they names them "pineapples" because they looked like pinecones.

    10. Pineapples are actually not a fruit, but a group of berries fused together around a stalk.

    11. Pomegranates can contain up to 1400 seeds in a single fruit, which is why it's often been associated with fertility in mythology.

    12. A Hawaiian myth states that breadfruit grows from the testes of a dead man. It was delicious, but the legend goes that when people learn what it grew from, they threw it up and spread its seeds across the islands.

    13. If you grow an apple tree from a seed, it might not even bear fruit, and if does, they will be nothing like the apple from which you got the seeds.

    14. And every single Granny Smith apple is a clone from a single apple tree in Australia.

    15. Cherry farmers hire helicopters to fly over their cherry trees after rain.

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    After cherry fruits form and ripen, rainwater can pool in the little indents at the top of the fruits. The cherries will then absorb that excess water which can make them split, crack, or burst. Obviously cherry farmers don't want to lose any of their crop, so they hire (or even buy their own) helicopters to fly over the top of them and blow off the excess water from the cherry trees after any rainfall.

    16. Finally, some people do not consider figs to be vegan as often the fruit digests wasps.