18 Reasons Why Every Friendship Group Needs A Mum Friend

    They're the glue that keeps the rest of you together and relatively organised.

    1. The Mum Friend is the only thing that keeps the chaos of friendship groups in equilibrium.

    2. They are the reason why any of you actually get together at any point.

    3. And why you all get home safe at the end of the night.

    4. They've probably prevented some truly disastrous hookups.

    5. And have probably stopped you from doing something stupid when you were meant to be doing your dissertation.

    6. And they've given you the ~reality check~ you desperately needed, many times.

    7. But they'll always be on your side.

    8. They've probably taught you a lot about ~adulting~.

    Successful Adulting is Successful #MyWANA #succesfuladulting

    9. Because of them, you now know how to give a meter reading, how to complain, and how to stand up to your shitty landlord.

    10. They always have your best interests at heart.

    11. No group holiday would ever happen without them.

    12. And if by some miracle it did, it would be a disaster.

    13. You can always rely on them to have an umbrella/painkillers/tampons/hand cream/phone charger when you're out.

    So I probably have more makeup and essentials in my bag than most women! always be prepared...Boy Scouts! #bblogger

    They're prepared for every emergency.

    14. They're always the ones who know exactly what to do when one of you is upset.

    15. And they're also the ones who make sure you all celebrate the ~big days~ of the year.

    16. They're always proud of you and your achievements.

    17. Which also means they can really build you up when you meet someone important.

    18. You know that you can always turn to them in times of need, no matter what.