Pete Davidson And Kim Kardashian Had A Staten Island Movie Date Like A Couple Of Cool Middle Schoolers, And Good For Them

    The couple were joined by Scott Disick, his friend Chris Reda, and another individual at the Atrium Stadium Cinema.

    Channeling their inner middle schoolers, Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson ventured out to Staten Island's Atrium Stadium Cinema for a cute lil' movie date.

    The couple were joined by Scott Disick, as well as his friend Chris Reda and another individual, according to Page Six.

    A side view of Pete and Kim inside the theater

    While it's unclear what movie they saw (your guess is as good as mine, but I'd like to think it was House of Gucci), the pair arrived at the theater around 7 p.m.

    Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson were spotted leaving a #HouseOfGucci showing in Staten Island, NYC, last night

    Twitter: @gaganotify

    Pete's free night came as Saturday Night Live decided to forgo its live show and audience, given that several cast and crew members tested positive for COVID-19.

    After the theater, Kim and Pete headed to Angelina's Restaurant, which is literally described as a "tri-level mansion by the water offering an elegant setting for Italian wining & dining."

    View of Pete and Kim through a window smiling

    Naturally, the internet once again had a field day as it bonded over its mutual obsession with this random โ€” but also not so random โ€” celeb couple.

    Pete Davidson brought a book bag full of snacks in like an OG... respect that

    Twitter: @B_SIMZZ

    I am so tired of the Kim/Pete and Staten Island discourse. But also...the atrium of all places?!

    Twitter: @ChristineDeRos7

    pete davidson is dating kim k just to get back at kanye for making him pay for dinner at nobu

    Twitter: @notorious_jcp

    spider man no way home was extremely unrealistic. how does he live in new york and not date pete davidson ???

    Twitter: @willgrahamluver

    Which movie do you think Pete and Kim saw? Are you tired of the hype around them or totally here for it? LMK in the comments!