19 Times The Internet Was Completely Right About Being A Teacher

    Me Friday morning: TGIF! Me Friday night: Jeez this weekend needs to slow down.

    1. This rollercoaster of emotions you ride every Friday:

    Me Fri. morning:TGIF! 🙏 Me Fri.@lunch:Today is sooo long!😑 Me Fri. night:Jeez this weekend needs to slow down! 🙃 #everytime #teacherprobs

    2. And this situation you're in every Sunday night:

    3. This perfectly reasonable reaction to a pile of grading:

    Faced with a stack of papers to grade, I have actually said the words, "Huh, the litterboxes haven't been deep cleaned in a while."

    4. And this one:

    I'm over here grading papers like "okay this says Ms Williams on it... I guess that's me... how did I get here... how am I grading these.."

    5. This problem with setting up your classroom by yourself:

    Honestly I'm surprised we don't see more "teacher dies trying to move giant bookshelf by herself on first day of school" news articles

    6. This teacher's genius prank:

    #beclear T: "do you want a small or big assignment?" Ss: "small!!" #teacherhumor #sameassignment

    7. This truth about the weeks when all of your classes seem to be sneezing:

    8. This accurate description of visiting the Target dollar aisle:

    There needs to be a "Buying Target Teaching Supplies Support Group" #teacherhumor #teacherproblems #teaching… https://t.co/ltB56Irb5b

    9. This student behavior that you just can't get away from:

    When my 3rd graders were introduced to our new salad bar they were asked what they should do if they sneeze. They a… https://t.co/x5WvoVYTlo

    10. Okay, maybe for the sake of hygiene, it's good to embrace it:

    11. This sign you should print out and hang on your classroom door:

    12. This tee that understands what makes you tick:

    What's the secret ingredient to teachers?... Coffee, tons of coffee! 😎 #SundayFeels #Coffee #Teacherhumor

    It's available on Etsy starting at $16.99.

    13. And this comic that understands how coffee makes you feel...and how it makes you crash.

    14. This advice for the next time the copier's on the fritz:

    15. This natural reaction you have to writing weekly lesson plans:

    16. This face that you make basically every night:

    17. This face that you make when a student asks a question you just answered:

    Every. Single. Day. @HSTeachrProbs @HSTeachProbs

    18. This errand, because despite it all, you're willing to go any distance to help your students actually learn:

    You know you're a #teacher when... You have a trunk full of empty #pizza boxes for a #math lesson on #fractions. Th… https://t.co/z0sUACcEHx

    19. This accurate description of that heavy bag you carry: