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    7 Easy Ways To Actually Be a Clean Person

    Sometimes it's easier to do just a *little bit* of cleaning.

    1. Empty your purse, then use a lint roller to clean up all the dust and crumbs that found their way to the bottom.

    2. Soak your toothbrushes in an antiseptic overnight — or just replace them, if it's been three to four months since you got new ones.

    3. Secure a plastic baggie full of vinegar to your shower head before you leave for the day.

    By the way: Don't put any baking soda in there.

    4. Quickly toss any trash that's in your car.

    5. Disinfect your sink with bleach or a cleaning spray.

    6. Wipe down your door handles and deadbolts.

    7. Gather all of the towels in your house and throw them in the washer.