This Job Description For An Aussie Cafe Manager Is Either The Best Or Worst Job Ever

    Reasonable request or $32/hr with a side of emotional trauma?

    A recent job ad posted by a Melbourne cafe owner has sent the internet into a frenzy due to a candour that can only be described as...emotional.

    A picture of the job ad, posted by Reddit user u/Toni_PWNeroni, has been getting traction on the site.

    It continues with the employer saying, "I am tired...really tired from the incompetence and the attitude that the restaurant business suffers. Everyone thinks that because they have two hands, twos legs and an @$$...they can work in hospitality."

    Some of the gripes the owner describes having include "[seeing] people polish cutlery for one hour when it should take15 minutes because they can't STFU talking and do their job", and being tired of listening to complaints "asking for more hours and shifts, but they reject extra shifts and hours when business need them."

    In the requirements section, the ad then goes on to say the owner only has two requirements, before listing the following three:

    The Reddit thread has gleaned a bunch of responses, including some readers that have shared a big, collective yikes.

    However, some commenters sympathise with the cafe owner, stating that his expectations are reasonable of paid employees.

    Others are somewhat torn by the ad, saying that the high wage warrants high expectations...

    ...but agree that a higher level of professionalism in the job ad would get them better results.

    Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    So, what do you think? Is this job ad reasonable or completely cooked? Let us know what you think in the comments!