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    19 Times "Friends" Captured Call Centre Life Perfectly

    The One With 11 Calls Waiting.

    "So no one told you life was gonna be this way..."

    No, they most certainly did not. Working in a call centre is hard... way harder than you ever envisioned. The rewards are limited and the complaints are frequent. That's why a dose of Friends is required to help you survive the fresh hell of the call floor. Could I be taking any more calls?

    1. When you wake up, go into work, get your systems started up and the first call of the day is: “Hello, you’re through to Amanda…” “I want to speak to your manager.”

    2. When your manager decides to give the whole team an early-morning pep-talk.

    3. When you don't have a CLUE what you're saying but just have to wing it anyway to meet sales targets.

    4. When you find yourself in conversation with a customer who seeks wisdom on how she might be able to afford both her electricity bill and food this month.

    5. When a customer calls and instead of just getting to the point has decided to prepare a 45-minute dramatic monologue of why the gas bill hasn’t been paid.

    6. When a sassy student calls up and asks just what exactly do YOU propose to do to ensure they receive their full student loan within the next 24 hours (even though the reason they haven't received it is because they haven't actually applied for it).

    7. When a customer asks: “May I take your name? I want to speak to you personally when I call back” and you decide that creating a false identity is the best course of action.

    8. When you finally make it to your beloved lunch break and realize that your vulture co-workers have snagged all of the BLT's, leaving you to make do with the questionable tuna in the cafeteria.

    9. When a customer hits you with the classic: “I’m sorry, it’s not you I’m angry with... I’m just so frustrated with this situation.”

    10. When a completely rational-thinking and in no way overly-dramatic customer exclaims: “Just you wait until I speak to my lawyer about this... we're going to come back with a case and we're going to sue you. Not the company. YOU.”

    11. When a sassy customer makes the rookie mistake of trying to out-sass a sasser.

    12. When your line manager comes up and asks if you would be able to cover some extra overtime this month.

    13. When you stop and think for a second about the social life you used to have and the friends you used to see.

    14. When a customer talks you through an issue in excruciating detail but when asked for passwords for Data Protection, reveals the issue isn't actually anything to do with their account.

    15. When you explain to a caller that you need to ask these questions for security measures, but they're having none of it and continue to repeat the magic mantra 'this is ridiculous' over and over.

    16. When you just can't handle the caller's stupidity a single second longer.

    17. When you get a call through at 7.57pm and your shift ends at 8pm.

    18. When you meet an old friend from school and they ask: ‘so what are you doing now?’

    19. And eventually, the glorious day when you hand in your notice and escape a life of Data Protection.