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    Bangerz: Hit Or Miss?

    A track-by-track evaluation of Miley Cyrus' new album Bangerz that you must read to be relevant.

    Hannah Montana and Miley Stewart have been missing for years and recent reports have informed us that they have been running in fear of the serial killer Ratchet Miley who has spent the past 3 years trying to destroy them. "Bangerz," Miley's most anticipated album to date, is the suspected murder weapon, but I am more than positive that it indeed was.

    "Adore You"

    Although the track is all about Liam Hemsworth, Cyrus' recent ex-fiance, this song is so disappointing for so many reasons. As an R&B ballad, her lyrics were so hackneyed, childish, and mediocre, to say the least, but more importantly, Miley definitely could have stepped up the vocals. We all know that she can actually sing when she wants to (if you don't, you should YouTube "The Backyard Sessions"), so she should have taken advantage of the excellent instrumentals and sang at a much higher caliber.

    "We Can't Stop"

    A new sound for sure, and while the details of twerking, "getting a line in the bathroom," and "dancing with molly," can be a little off-putting and quite controversial, "We Can't Stop" was incredibly well produced (guess who made it? Mike Will Made It! Sorry, sometimes I think I'm funny). Miley pulled off the urban sound surprisingly well, and it quickly became the anthem of rebels around the nation. However, as great as the song was, the video ruined it (but that's a rant for another time).

    "SMS (BANGERZ)" (feat. Britney Spears)

    I don't even know where to start with this. Actually, I'll start with the one good thing about the song: Britney, bitch. But I even had to reevaluate my opinion of Britney Spears after this song because I still don't understand how Britney could give her blessing on such a catastrophe. Besides the fact that the only way to understand the song is to have Urban Dictionary open in another tab, the worst part of the song is all of it. I don't know who told Miley that she could rap, but everyone involved in that decision needs a CT scan.

    "4x4" (feat. Nelly)

    When I first heard this song, I couldn't stand it, and now, 30 plays later, it still sucks. The Bonnie and Clyde theme has already been done ("Bonnie and Clyde '03") and so have the driving metaphors for sex ("Shut Up and Drive"). It's one of the tracks on the album that you debate just deleting from your entire music library.

    "My Darlin'" (feat. Future)

    As a play on Ben E. King's "Stand By Me," I really liked the fresh perspective on the song. It describes a crumbling relationship that was once so promising, but now is struggling to hold itself together. Singing "stand by me," Miley is asking her lover to stay with her, and it's not too hard to figure out who she was begging to stay...

    "Wrecking Ball"

    I don't want to spend too much time on this song because by now everyone has made up their own opinion of it, but from the moment I heard this song, I fell in love.

    Instumentals: 10/10

    Vocals: 10/10

    Lyrics: 10/10

    The metaphor of the wrecking ball is genius, the honesty and power of the lyrics is overwhelming, and the blending of her vocals with the music is one of the most beautiful marriages. I would easily place it in the top three best tracks of the album.

    "Love Money Party" (feat. Big Sean)

    I was originally very skeptical of Miley collaborating with Big Sean, but Mike Will Made It put them together much better than expected. Its repetition has been criticized by many, but it reflects the message of the song: love, money, and partying is exciting at first, but after so much of it, it just gets stale. And hey, Miley's rapping wasn't too nauseating either. Not bad, Miley, not bad.


    This just sounds like a song that you would listen to with friends in the summer, with the windows down, but then you actually pay attention to the lyrics, you are caught off guard. It is a catchy Hannah Montana sound, with raunchy Miley Cyrus lyrics, and it actually works.


    Because of it's strong vocals and powerfully conveyed emotions, "Drive" is one of the only songs on the album comparable to "Wrecking Ball". In the bridge, Miley's voice takes on a more soulful sound that until now she hasn't showed in any song. She adapted the R&B sound successfully, and for that, she should be commended.

    "FU" (feat. French Montana)

    Holy moly is Miley pissed, and she is not taking shit from anybody. I guess Miley liked her soul-ish voice in "Drive" because in this angry, regretful ballad, you can hear her frustration, giving her a very classic, yet gritty voice that makes it very Amy Winehouse-esque. Angry Miley = Talented Miley

    "Do My Thang"

    Other than being an awesome dance jam, with this track, Miley tells her audience that although everyone thinks she's going crazy, she knows what she's doing, and no matter what anyone thinks, she will continue to do her "thang." There's no going back for Miley.

    "Maybe You're Right"

    This track came at the right time. As she is starting to close the album, it's the song where she finally gets closure from her rollercoaster of a relationship. She sings, "It's too late for us to try and be in love right now...You might think I'm crazy that I'm lost and foolish, leaving you behind...this chapter's done." Miley is finally moving on.

    "Someone Else"

    After powerful ballads and rebellious dance jams, this was the perfect track to wrap up the album. She addresses her breakup with Liam (and quite possibly her parents' recent split) along with her change of self, sending us off with a final message: "I've turned into someone else."

    While the album could have done well without "SMS (BANGERZ)" and "4x4," it was a great combination of honest vulnerability and gutsy rebellion. The best part of the album, however, was the chronological track listing. The album told the story of Miley's transition in full detail, pain and all. Miley's album had some great hits and some very clear misses, but it definitely exceeded my expectations. I wouldn't call myself a Miley fan just yet, but I may not skip a song when I hear it, which is a progress. I give the album a solid B. So kudos to you, Miley. You won over a non-believer.