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    The Soul-Sucking Drug-Addict

    The trials and tribulations of a delusional druggie.

    Living in Los Angeles, or simply living at all, you'll naturally experience quite a few relationships that will rock your world.

    The one you're never prepared for: The Delusional Druggie.

    What I'm about to to share with you is only the beginning of what is to come. It may shock you, give you an ab workout from laughter, and make you want to vomit at the same time. Either way, I hope you take something from it, like saving yourself from a year of turmoil.

    Last year, there was a new guy, we will call him Nick, who started at my work place; he actually took my spot when I broke my ankle. We didn't start hanging out much until I returned. He quickly got us all riled up with his charm and good looks. He tried telling us his mouth full of veneers was real; strike one, though clearly I ignored that. Why? Call it a momentary lapse in judgment...that lasted way too long. In all honesty, he had a wonderful heart, that I gave credit to for again, far too long.

    He was manipulative, which I misunderstood for him being misunderstood. Wanting to figure him out, I dug deeper, and learned he was a "recovering addict." High five! He came all this way and moved here from Chicago to start a new life. This dude was on point with life, right? Wrong. He came to escape from drugs, which he only found in LA, instead. Not only did he smoke weed like it was his day job, he was a pill-popper.

    I'll leave the story at that for now, and present you with 5 reasons to avoid dating in the work place:

    # 1: You're around each other too much; every couple needs their space.

    # 2: Your coworkers will start rumors and create drama, just because they can.

    # 3: If you two are having a bad day, one of them may stand up and call you an "asshole" in front of your peers (to be discussed later).

    # 4: Business should never be affected by pleasure.

    # 5: Your bosses may think it's impossible for you to keep it in your pants.

    Stay tuned...the trials and tribulations of a delusional druggie only get better.