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    5 Reasons You Stay With Him

    The trials and tribulations of a delusional druggie.

    Don't act like you haven't been there before.

    # 1: He has a good heart.

    Does he though?

    The truth is, everyone has a "good heart," as long as it's still pumping blood through our veins. This does not mean that someone has good intentions, and isn't sucking the life from YOUR pumping heart in the mean time. A lot of these fuckers are just out for themselves, so really evaluate whether you're just using this phrase as a mask to justify their terrible behavior.

    # 2: The sex is amazing!

    Define amazing.

    Sure! The sex may be great...or so you think. Chances are, you'll find better sex with someone who makes you happy in all other ways as well. Sex cannot be the only aspect that's keeping you around. Find someone who knows how to treat you in and out of the bedroom. Who knows? Maybe he will last longer, and be able to get it up on command, unlike many men...

    # 3: I've already invested so much time.

    Get over that shit.

    The time you've invested cannot be returned, so don't waste more time because you've already wasted time. That's like snorting the entire bag of cocaine, because you've already had a few lines. Nothing good ever comes from that. Get out and get out while you still can.

    # 4: I don't want to be alone.

    Learn this. Love this.

    Some of the most growing you will ever do is when you are entirely alone. So many women that I meet are afraid of being alone, and sacrifice their happiness, just to have someone around. BE LONELY. I promise you it will pay off in the long run. Love you, and all of you, forever. Let go of anyone that doesn't do the exact same.

    # 5: Things will get better.

    You think so, huh.

    Maybe they will. I am a firm believer in love, and fighting for what you love. However, if this saying becomes prominent for months and even years, ask yourself if you truly believe that things will get better, or if it's all just become habitual. That little voice in our tummy is the strongest one, so take a moment and listen to it; it's always right.

    Now, sack up, Sally. Go be that independent woman that Beyonce sings about.