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    How New Graduates Feel At Networking Events

    Let the derp-fest begin!

    You wake up early. Need to look professional.

    Wear a suit. Likely your only suit.

    You move slowly. Don't want to ruin the suit.

    At the event, you hang out by the door for a bit.

    Nervously look around. Why is everyone so comfortable and talkative?

    How are you going to separate yourself from everyone else?

    So you stand around and smile at everyone for a while.

    You feel like an awkward giant.

    You're jumpy as hell.

    You're so afraid of your clumsy self unveiling himself.

    If you try to shake someone's hand, you might do something stupid.

    You head to the refreshments area.

    You'll network with this food.

    You run into a colleague, but he's so busy networking, he ignores you.

    You try to approach someone who looks important.

    You freak out when someone tries to talk to you.

    If you're with someone else, they're hogging all the limelight.

    Going to go hang out in the corner for a while? Sounds like a plan.