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    Syria - Some 10 Photos Of The Year 2013

    December is incomplete without the year's top-10 lists. We like top-10 lists, because we are lazy and we would love it if someone told us what are the top 10 movies, photos, and whatnot. TIME's top 10 photos of 2013 includes a terrible photo (see from Syria. Let aside the absurd usage of the word 'top' in this context, how on earth one can represent a humanitarian tragedy that affects more than 5 million children in such a photo! Who said we need to show photos of burning bodies and children starving to death to move our fellow humans? Here's a list of some, not top, 10 random photos of Syrian children.

    Avoiding the sniper. It's casual.

    Article 32. Governments must protect children from work that is dangerous or might harm their health or education

    Why should I stop playing?

    What exactly are they fighting over?

    Thankfully, they are still alive

    Chercher le mot juste

    And why should I care? Take your photo and leave.

    It isn't fun here

    I wanna go home

    Hope? It exists only if you act...