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10 Words That Have A Different Meaning In Alaska

Alaska is ANOTHER WORLD. Explore the wild(erness) of Alaska on MTV’s Slednecks, premiering tonight at 10/9c.

1. Backyard.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

2. Neighbors.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

3. Flying.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

4. Fishing.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

5. Bikini weather.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

6. Driving.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

7. Refrigerator.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

8. Mosquitoes.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

9. Car.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

10. Drinking.

Everywhere else:

In Alaska:

Alaska is WILD, in so many ways. For more Alaskan outrageousness, catch the series premiere of Slednecks on MTV.

Premieres Thursday, October 30 at 10/9c.