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17 Pictures That Prove Alaska Is Just As Wild As You Thought

In every sense of the word. Explore the wild(erness) of Alaska with MTV's Slednecks, premiering tonight at 10/9c.

1. This is fall in Alaska:

2. And this is winter in Alaska:

"No it's cool, I didn't really like my face n-e-wayz."

3. And this is FISHING in Alaska:

4. This is fashion in Alaska:

5. For fun, you can hang out INSIDE a glacier:

6. Or be like this dude and go BICYCLING on one:

7. You can get up close and personal with an iceberg.

8. Or be like this guy, and SNORKEL with them:

9. Surfing? WHY NOT?

10. Traffic can be a real bear...

11. ...or, erm, moose?!

12. You can sleep in places like this:

13. Your co-workers can totally be dogs.

14. ...helicopter pads look like this...

15. ...and the local show-off looks like this:

16. Need to work out? No worries, some reindeer will be happy to join you.

17. Oh, Alaska. Are you even real life?!

See what it means to be truly wild in the wilderness of Alaska.

Catch the series premiere of MTV's Slednecks, Thursday, October 30, at 10/9c.