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    Top 10 YouTube Channel Trailers!

    A look at the BEST YouTube channel trailers from around the interweb!

    1. Comic Relief

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    Why: It's fast paced, funny and celebrity heavy which perfectly showcases the feel of the channel's videos.

    Also because I made it.

    2. SoulPancake!

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    Why: It perfectly introduces you to their channel whilst entertaining and intriguing you to want to watch more.

    3. Vice

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    Why: It sums up there brand superbly whilst engaging you, overall a funny catchy trailer.

    4. CinemaSins

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    Why: They parody themselves in the style of the normal video you will watch on there channel, it's clever and funny.

    5. ScreenJunkies

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    Why: It's short and catchy (especially with the parody honest trailer voice over guy), it gives you a brief overview of videos you can expect on their channel. Everything a good channel trailer should do.

    6. Sneaky Zebra

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    Why: Because they repeat the channel name like 50 times and they are genuinely lovely people!

    7. AmazingPhil

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    Why: A great selection of content that educates you about what kind of video's you can expect. It's important for all vlog channels that the vlogger's personality shines through in the channel trailer.

    8. HISHE

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    Why: Because that's how it should have ended.

    Don't however do what they have done and put adverts on your channel trailers! This is essentially an advert for your content, why put ad's on top of ad's AHHHH!

    9. Howcast

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    Why: Similar to SneakyZebra they repeat lines over and over to cement there message of the types of video you can expect to see on there channel.

    10. SourceFedNERD

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    Why: It's fast paced and really draws you in with those quick digital pushes.

    So the clear themes are:

    1. Keep it 1 minute or under

    2. Only use the best content you have on your channel

    3. Give the viewers an idea of what they can expect on your channel

    4. Have a clear call to action to subscribe

    5. Tell people why they subscribe, engage your potential audience

    11. Jash

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    Okay so this isn't the typical channel trailer but it's worth a mention, it doesn't conform to the normal channel trailer tips but its far more engaging. At nearly 5 minutes long, it's proof that if you have a good creative idea it can be far more powerful than a montage of your best content.