27 Reasons You Should Live In New York City At Least Once In Your Life

    There's no place quite like it in the world.

    We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community about the best parts of living in New York City. Here are some of our favorite responses.

    1. The fact that you can do anything at any time. The city has ENDLESS activities at your disposal.

    2. That you have the opportunity and privilege of watching/learning/tasting some of the most inspired art/theater/food from people everywhere, putting their best forward.

    3. Each neighborhood is so unique. You can travel to what feels like different worlds in a matter of minutes.

    4. The people. The individual fashion and personalities are so unique to the city.

    5. The shopping. It can be super expensive, of course, but there are so many options and you can find amazing deals.

    6. The energy that never ceases.

    7. The fact that EVERY SINGLE band or musical artist, no matter how famous, will eventually have a show here.

    8. Art! So much art. So many different kinds of art. And so much of it for free!

    9. The ability to take all sorts of crazy classes, like trapeze, olympic trampoline, and aerial yoga!

    10. The museums and Central Park. You can spend all day at any one of them.

    11. The sports! There are so many teams to choose from and ALWAYS a game going on.

    12. The comedy scene where random celebrities show up.

    13. All of the hidden gems.

    14. You get to meet people from all around the world.

    15. Every day something new is being filmed here, so there's a good chance you'll accidentally stumble onto a TV/movie set.

    16. Never having to shovel!

    17. Never having to eat at chain restaurants ever again!

    18. One dollar pizza!

    19. Having bodegas on every corner makes picking up groceries and essentials easy.

    20. The subway removes the danger of drinking and driving.

    21. Jaywalking is an art form here and no one will silently judge you for doing it.

    22. The mix of big city life and quieter neighborhoods.

    23. It has whatever kind of food you want, whenever you want it!

    24. The amazing theater scene. Not just Broadway, but there are some incredible Off-Broadway and Off-Off-Broadway shows out there as well.

    25. It is the best city for singles. People don’t give you shade when you’re in a bar drinking by yourself or in a restaurant enjoying a bowl of ramen by yourself. You’re alone and you own it.

    26. That so many people are so open and accepting of others, which is an attitude that should be spread everywhere.

    27. When, every once in a while, you get a surreal glimpse of the skyline and it reminds you why you're here.

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