24 Things All Binge-Watchers Know To Be True

    Just one more episode...

    1. At first, you think you'll just watch one or two episodes to see if it really is as good as everyone says it is.

    2. Turns out it actually is pretty good, so you allow yourself to watch one more episode.

    3. But that episode was, like, really, really good so now you want to watch one more. But that's it. Just that one episode and you're done.

    4. You're not done. You're totally hooked, but now you decide to give yourself a time deadline. No more episodes after 2 a.m. and that's final.

    5. It's not. You convince yourself that one more episode will be a good place to stop because then you'll be too tired to watch another one.

    6. OMG! It happened! That one scene everyone was talking about a while ago just happened and now you want to talk about it too! But you have no one to talk to so you watch another episode.

    7. And now you can't stop watching. You refuse to look at the clock because you know you're going to regret this tomorrow, but you don't care because this is literally the best show ever.

    8. And then, at a certain point, it turns into a mission. You must complete this season.

    9. So you watch a couple more, but now the episodes are feeling a little longer and you're starting to hate yourself for staying up so late to watch this.

    10. But you carry on like a soldier because, again, you're on a mission. Plus, it's too late to stop now. You've gone this far, so you have to finish the season. Otherwise, staying up this long was a waste.

    11. Then the season ends, and, man, the finale was so friggin' good! You can't believe that plot twist and you really want to know what happens next. But you can't. It's too late and you have things to do tomorrow.

    12. So you shut down and go to bed.

    13. But you can't sleep. You can't do anything except for think about that show. HOW CAN THEY END A SEASON LIKE THAT?!

    14. So you debate about whether or not you should watch season two because otherwise it's just going to bug you all night.

    15. Miraculously, you decide that it's far too late to start another season, so you save that for tomorrow.

    16. And then tomorrow comes and the only thing you want to do is go home and watch the next season. This time, though, you're going to pace yourself.

    17. But that doesn't happen. You do the exact same thing again and hate yourself in the morning. Again.

    18. However, now you're almost caught up with everyone else. You're only one season behind and soon you can start telling people how amazing it is.

    19. So you suck it up and binge-watch that season.

    20. Which was the best season yet! Holy crap! You thought you knew what was going to happen, but it didn't and now you can't wait to watch the next season.

    21. But the next season isn't out yet. In fact, you have to wait MONTHS before it comes out, which might as well be years because you just watched several seasons in consecutive nights, so time is now all screwed up.

    22. This dilemma starts to mess with you. You don't want to wait months to find out what happens. You're addicted to the binge.

    23. And the only prescription for binge-watching is more binge-watching. So you pick that other show everyone is always talking about and try that out.

    24. But you're only going to watch a couple episodes, just to see if it's as good as they say it is...