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What Are Some Ways People Body-Shame Others Without Even Realizing It?

We wanna know.

By now, most folks have gotten the memo that body-shaming is never okay.

But some people might do or say something — even with good intentions! — that can be just as hurtful.

Complimenting someone on their weight loss might seem like a nice thing to do at first. But if you're saying they look "better" after losing weight, it implies they looked worse before. And if they gain the weight back, it could make them feel really crappy. Plus, you're perpetuating the idea that skinny = good, and fat = bad.

Person working out in the gym

Saying things like "real women have curves" is actually super problematic. People come in all shapes and sizes. Skinny-shaming women is not the right way to promote body-positivity.

Person looking at their reflection and lifting their shirt

Telling a plus-size person they're "brave" for wearing a crop top or bikini is a no-no. If you wouldn't applaud a skinny person for wearing it, you're basically saying larger people's bodies in those clothes is not the norm. But in reality, anyone should be able to wear whatever they want without it being "brave."

Plus-size person wearing a bikini

This is an open space that'll hopefully serve as an informative learning experience for a lot of people, so tell us ways that people body-shame others without realizing it. Your response might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.

If you'd like to respond anonymously, you can do so here.