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LGBTQ People, Tell Us The Rules You Follow Every Day That Straight People Aren't Even Aware Of

We want to know.

It's no secret that LGBTQ folks have different experiences in this world compared to that of straight people.

So we want to know: Queer folks, what rules do you follow that many straight people don't know about?

Maybe you avoid PDA in public because you've been harassed before, when someone saw you holding hands with the person you love.

Two people holding hands and walking down the street

Perhaps you "act straight" in situations where you don't feel safe.

Person walking in a city with sunglasses

Or maybe you usually love expressing yourself through style, but you're very conscious of how you dress when traveling to certain cities.

Person with blue hair and a rainbow shirt

Whatever it is, we want to hear about your experience. Queer folks, tell us the rules you follow that straight people don't even have to think about, and your submission could be included in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post. If you'd like to respond anonymously, you can do so here.