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I Made The Popcorn Salad Everyone's Talking About, And Good Lord In Heaven

I deeply regret this decision.

By now, you've probably heard about the infamous popcorn salad that's gone massively viral.

Bowl of popcorn salad

If not, here's a quick refresh: There's a Food Network video where a woman named Molly Yeh makes what she calls "an iconic Midwestern dish." It's a salad made with veggies, mayo, and — you guessed it — popcorn.

Molly smiling next to her bowl of popcorn salad

As you can imagine, Twitter took one look at that and said, "Not today, Satan":

if u bring me out some soggy mayo popcorn i will be going to jail that day.

Twitter: @sarahlugor

@AudVisuals U roll thru w that in ur hand i’m calling the authorities

Twitter: @amlstw

I believe in the fundamental right of every human being to pursue their happiness, but I am drawing the line at popcorn salad.

Twitter: @CDaigleOrians

Now, when I first saw this video, I thought there's no way this tastes good. But I decided to give it a shot. Maybe it'll be the surprise of a lifetime. Who knows? Not me!

Morgan shrugging and holding up her hands

So I looked up the recipe, made a trip to the grocery store, and bought the ingredients for this questionable combo.

Ingredients lying on the counter

First, I made the popcorn. Wow, Molly was right! The white cheddar seasoning was freaking addictive.

Bowl of popcorn

Then, I shredded/chopped up my veggies and added them to the dressing I made.

Bowl of dressing and veggies on top

Once that was mixed together, I folded in the popcorn and piled the watercress on top. The look was very...interesting.

Bowl with the popcorn mixed into the dressing and veggies

I was VERY reluctant to put this in my mouth. But I persevered and tried the stuff anyway!

Morgan taking a bite

And my god, it was awful!!

Morgan making a disgusted face

I mean, truly TERRIBLE. I cannot remember the last time I ate something as gross as this mayo popcorn!!!

Morgan looking completely grossed out and sad

So now, I can wholeheartedly agree with everyone online: popcorn salad is TRASH. And that's exactly where I put it.

What do you think about popcorn salad? LMK in the comments below!