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    Non-Americans Are Sharing American Expressions They Didn't Understand At First, And It's So Interesting

    I tossed her salad!

    Recently, Reddit user u/AlexanderLibert1983 posed the question, "What are some expressions used by Americans that are commonly misunderstood by non-Americans?" Here are some of the most interesting responses:

    1. Fanny

    "In most English-speaking countries, it means vulva, not ass."


    2. Picking up the room

    "I had a Texan friend tell me he was 'picking up the room.' I knew he hadn't gained super strength suddenly but I'd never heard that phrase. He explained he meant tidying up the place."


    3. Over-easy eggs

    "What does that even mean?"


    4. Tearing him a new one

    "They're wondering what is being torn."


    5. I could care less

    "So you do care?"


    6. Elbow grease

    "I spent more time than I would like to admit figuring what 'elbow grease' meant in many cleaning tutorials."


    7. Bless your heart

    "'Bless your heart' is just a nice Southern way of saying, 'Get fucked.'"


    8. How are you?

    "Say this to people who are not from the States and you will literally hear a novel."


    9. Major league asshole

    "I was in my thirties before it occurred to me that the 'major league' must be an actual American tournament. The UK equivalent might be a premier league arsehole, which is pretty funny."


    10. It’s a wash

    "Meaningless in any other English-speaking country."


    11. Rooting

    "'Rooting' in America seems to mean something like cheering them on. In Australia, it’s a more vulgar way of saying fucking."


    12. Taking something with a grain of salt


    13. To table something

    "In the USA, to table means to postpone or suspend consideration of a pending motion. In the rest of the English-speaking world, to table means to begin consideration (or reconsideration) of a proposal."


    14. And finally, tossing a salad

    "Mixing the veggies and dressing. Or...licking a butthole."


    Which American expressions do you find confusing? LMK in the comments below!

    Responses have been edited for length and clarity.