The Story Behind The Meme That Invited Us All To Mock Moms

    Why are we so mean to moms? (Yes, I'm talking to you.)

    Hi, I'm Morgan, and I'm a mom. But before I was a mom, I was a real live human being who was allowed to have opinions and stuff without causing a big eyeroll from "the youth." Sounds crazy, right?

    A lot of us moms write and work online, and being women, we tend to get a pretty bad rap from time to time.

    Earlier this week, like a lot of moms going about their interneting, I opened BuzzFeed to discover a quiz featuring a Tumblr-based #tagyourself meme identifying white suburban mom stereotypes. Maybe you saw it before it was updated.

    The odd thing about this particular viral meme was that I recognized some of the women in it. They weren't stock photo models, they were real moms, most of whom are active on social media.

    You know. Mommy Bloggers.

    The kind of women who "shouldn't complain" about what happens with their web personas because they put them up on the internet for "personal gain" in the first place, didn't they?

    The kind of women who have worked their asses off to create viable businesses for themselves in order to be available for their children while still earning money to put food on the table. Those greedy greedy working moms.

    Being a mom, a woman, and a Senior Parenting Editor here at BuzzFeed, my first instinct upon seeing our initial post featuring the meme was to reach out to the women involved.

    I've connected with 5 of the 6 women. Their reactions varied; some were willing to talk to me while others preferred not to comment on the record, but many echoed something similar: "Why is simply being a mom so worthy of being made fun of?"

    Author Shannon A. White — who appeared as "Jillian" — was irked by the message she saw in the response to the viral post:

    "Sharon", actually a full-time blogger named Jennifer Burg, did her best to laugh it off.

    Lifestyle blogger Erin Henry was billed as "Helen."

    For some of the women, having their likeness stolen was the most troubling aspect of the experience. Shannon Gurnee, whose name is NOT "Pam," never gave permission to have her image used in the Tumblr post. Neither did any of the other women.