13 Celebrity Quotes From Time 100's Most Influential People List

    Because these celebrities love these honorees just as much as we do!

    It's that time of year again, when Time releases their infamous 100 Most Influential People list!

    The list is compiled of a diverse, talented and straight-up awesome group of individuals who continue to push limits and inspire those around them.

    To make things even more special, the profile attached to each influencer was written by another admirable person in the game.

    Without giving away too much, here's a few of my favorite quotes from the celebrities who admire these honorees as much as I do:

    Lin-Manuel Miranda on Riz Ahmed: "To know him is to be inspired, engaged and ready to create alongside him."

    Cate Blanchett on Sarah Paulson: "You enter a scene with Sarah and it’s game on. She brings with her, in work as in life, the sense that anything is possible. Anything.”

    Tyra Banks on Ashley Graham: "Every word she speaks shouts to all who lack faith in their reflections. Every Graham of her body embraces anyone who ever doubted themselves."

    Ann Patchett on Margaret Atwood: "Her worlds are harsh and exacting, but also flooded with the brilliant light of her imagination, whether she's writing about the past, the present or a future we had never considered."

    Meryl Streep on Viola Davis: "Her importance in the culture—her ability to identify it, her willingness to speak about it and take on responsibility for it—is what marks her for greatness.”

    Jim Harbaugh on Colin Kaepernick: "For we cannot pioneer and invent if we are fearful of deviating from the norm, damaging our public perception or—most important—harming our own personal interests."

    Lena Dunham on Constance Wu: "I was able to witness her giving nature, her monstrously big heart, her passion for change and the careful way she lets everyone around her share the challenges of their own identity."

    Sheryl Sandberg on Melinda Gates: "Her vision for the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation reflects her impatient optimism, ability to think big and move fast, passionate commitment to empowering women and girls, and her fundamental belief in human dignity."

    Common on Chance the Rapper: "He makes music from an unapologetically inspiring and Christian perspective—music that transcends age, race and gender."

    Brie Larson on Emma Stone: "She is never afraid to show us the most difficult thing you can show the world: yourself. What that entails is not always pretty. But with Emma, it is real, and it is beautiful."

    Barry Jenkins on Jordan Peele: "Rather than presenting us a mirror, this multi-hyphenate auteurist shows us more of ourselves than we ever wanted to see, a window through which America is left no choice but to recognize the purgatory of her own sunken place."

    Helen Mirren on Ryan Reynolds: "He's the Everyman, but somehow with more of everything: wit, elegance, looks and general hunkiness."

    Russell Crowe on Leslie Jones: "She’s a tiger. She’s a lioness. She’s a pussycat. Like the comedy greats throughout history, she’s there to give, and what she is prepared to give is all of who she is."

    To see the complete list of influencers and the amazing people who have a personal relationship with them, click here.