I Can't Stop Laughing At The "Dear White People" Cast Trying To Pick Their Answers For This Superlative Game

    Let's play!

    Say it ain't so! Dear White People just released their fourth and final season on Netflix.

    But before we say our goodbyes, we sat down with the cast (Logan Browning, Marque Richardson, Ashley Blaine Featherson-Jenkins, Brandon P. Bell, Antoinette Robertson, and DeRon Horton) to play a fun game of superlatives called Who's Who.

    Whether it's who's most likely to fall asleep during takes...

    ...who's most likely to not respond in the cast group chat...

    ...or who's the least like their character, we covered it all!

    To guess along with the cast, watch the full video below!

    View this video on YouTube

    Jen Park / BuzzFeed Celeb

    And be sure to watch the final, musical-themed season of Dear White People, which is streaming on Netflix now.