Here's Chrissy Teigen And Her Twitter Followers Explaining Why "Get Out" Isn't Predictable

    Well that escalated quickly.

    It's almost time for the Academy Awards and everyone has their various opinions on who deserves to win and whose performance was overhyped.

    And that's why Chrissy Teigen took to Twitter on Tuesday to let her followers know what films she'll be rooting for this year.

    But one person didn't agree with her choices.

    So, she decided to prove why their response was the most invalid thing she's heard all year (and yes, I know it's only January).

    Despite Chrissy's lengthy response, they still weren't convinced.

    It was at that moment that the Twitterverse conspired together to make this person understand just how "wrong" their opinion was:

    SPOILER ALERT: Some of the tweets below reveal information about Get Out's plot and its hidden themes.

    Twitter: @DKuzLA

    @sartorialblog @chrissyteigen Really? You just predicted white people were putting their minds into black bodies? a…

    Twitter: @OnlyBlvckGirl
    Twitter: @Lexxandthecity_
    Twitter: @velvet_ghostjpg

    So, will Get Out earn an Oscar this year? You'll just have to wait until March 4 to find out.