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People Are Sharing The Best Advice Their Abuelas Ever Gave Them, And There Are Some Great Lessons On Life And Love

There's a reason they say "respect your elders." They're filled with wisdom.

In honor of Latine Heritage Month, we asked our BuzzFeed Community to share advice they received from their abuelas that ultimately changed their lives, and let's just say they didn't disappoint.

1. “You are the most important person in your life.”

2. "Life's too short for bad booze, bad men, and bad coffee."

3. “The more things you do, the more things you have time to do.”

4. "Never go backward with anything, stay where you are until you can do better or move forward."

5. “Men don’t think with this head [pointing to head], they think with the head downstairs.”

6. "My man only needs to get to know me from the neck down."

7. "Choosing a man should be like going into a candy shop. Do you go in and just try one? No. You try them all!”

8. "Make sure you like the sound of his voice and the stories he tells, and that he also loves yours. With time, that is what we have left to give and receive."

9. "If you don't have sugar for your coffee, don't go borrowing it from your neighbor. Drink your coffee without sugar."

10. "Once you throw out the trash, you don’t bring it back in."

11. "Never rely on a man. He may leave you for another woman or die on you unexpectedly. Get an education and be self-sufficient."

12. "Always keep the receipts of your work. Some people just want you to fail."

13. "Grow your nails so it's easier to flip tortillas."

14. "Fuck what people say. This is how God made you and made you into the world. You live your happy life and fuck what people say."

15. "My abuela taught me that no matter how sweet or how old she was, she would roast us with no hesitation."

16. "Men are like avocados — it's very difficult to find a good one."

17. "Better to be alone than with bad company."

Latine Heritage Month is here! Join us in celebrating from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15 and support our content celebrating la cultura.

Was there a piece of advice or a saying that your abuela would use that really stuck with you? Share it with us in the comments below!