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    The 7 Wonders Of Submerged Worlds

    It's not just land dwellers that get to see ancient wonders...there's a whole world of amazing sites under the sea too!

    1. The first computer?

    2. The heavy hitter

    3. The Treasure ship

    4. The smash hit film...

    5. The queen's boudoir

    6. The unexploded Timebomb

    7. The lost city

    8. Hang on, I thought you said the 7 wonders...

    View this video on YouTube

    University of Southampton / Via

    Well yes, this isn't, technically a wonder. However it is wonderful (see what I did there) and it's a great source of information if you want to learn more about the subject of Shipwrecks and Submerged Worlds. A free, online course with many more fascinating facts.