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    Living On A Prayer

    2015 has been a whirlwind of adventure. I was not only blown away by how terrific it was, but also how it makes you feel like you have nobody but the internet. I'll begin where everyone begins. January. January was, to put it simply, fantastic. We had our pre-board examinations were I got A*s on all my 10 subjects. February was just a blur. We had a study break for your finals. March finally arrived, with all its burdens which suddenly fell heavily on our shoulders. March was one of those months when I knew, I had nobody to depend on but God. I was tested for my UWC (United World Colleges) interview and social day that March. Looking back at it, it was probably the best month I ever had. I thought I aced my ICSE examinations but (I'll continue the story in June). April was a huge zip in my timeline. I honestly do not remember anything productive I did in April. Which is why I have a bulletin board in my mirror now, telling me what to accomplish on that day. I blew my candles on the 1st of May, my 16th birthday. It was a dream. I had my family and friends all gather 'round a table and had an amazing cake cutting ceremony. Nonetheless, all good things must come to an end and now, it's June. Which means, ICSE results are out. It broke my heart. I only received 3 A*s, 5 As and 2 Bs. I remember sobbing my eyes out that day. But realizing that I had some people helped a lot. June was also the month I did some soul searching. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a pharmacologist. Working with medicines and developing new ones that (hopefully) would end up making a difference to the world we live in today. However, I was also passionate about children. Children greatly inspire my writing. I wrote an article condemning Child Violence last month and it was printed on the National newspaper. That was the best thing that happened. EVER. Nevertheless, the day I was to submit my subject choices, fear ran down my spine. What if I do something wrong? Would people still look at me the same way? I decided on following my childhood idyllic dream, to pursue the science of manufacturing medicine. But after a while, the night I sent those decisions, I regretted it. I realized that I didn't make those choices because I wanted it. I realized that it was more because my parents wanted me to do it. And they've been feeding the idea into my head for 13 years now. Well, I wouldn't really blame them. I was the spineless one who couldn't follow my own dreams right? Life is so tough at times. Then I was struck by reality and it hit me. All the times I succeeded, it wasn't me. It was Him. The Almighty who led me through it. So now I pray, and pray that HE tells me a way to get through this again. He never fails me. :-)

    A 2015 teenager