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    Visit Ralphie's Real House From "A Christmas Story"

    Starting at 8:00 PM on Christmas Eve, TBS begins its annual 24-hour marathon of the 1983 holiday movie, “A Christmas Story.” While I doubt anyone really likes this movie enough to want/need to consume it on a straight 24 hour loop, some may enjoy the opportunity to visit the replica home and relive their favorite movie moments.

    The house used in the exterior scenes was purchased by a private developer, Brian Jones, in 2004 and has been renovated and restored to appear as it did on the inside and outside in the movie.

    In December 2004, Jones, a fan of the film since childhood, bought the house on eBay for $150,000.

    Jones used money from his business, The Red Rider Leg Lamp Company, which manufactures replicas of the "major award" Ralphie's Old Man won in the film, for the down payment

    So plan your next family vacation to Cleveland because the house is open Year-Round.

    Inside you will find all of the rooms from the movie

    Complete with photos of 'The Old Man' and Mrs. Parker

    And the Kitchen

    The house is entirely interactive

    How about holding a replica Red Rider BB Gun? You can do that too!

    Or sit on Ralphie and Randy's beds like these kids did

    You can hold the blue bowling ball like this guy did

    The cast from the movie reunited in the house and took a photo with the leg lamp

    People have even gotten married here.

    Across the street, there's even more to see.

    Among the props and costumes are the toys from the Higbee’s window, Randy’s snowsuit, the chalkboard from Miss Shields’ classroom and the family car.

    The house to the left of the museum is a gift shop where you can buy movie memorabilia.

    Flick's Hat

    Randy's Hat

    This Creepy Elf Hat

    An Official Daisy Red Ryder Range Model 1938 Air Rifle BB Gun

    Watch A Christmas Story House Featured on NBC Nightly News