You Can Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

    New Year's resolutions can be completed. Yes even that one.

    Sometimes just thinking about New Year's resolutions is too much.

    Because food is delicious.

    Exercise is hard.

    And being more friendly and outgoing just sounds exhausting.

    But you can keep your resolutions; you just have to get in the right mind-set.

    Remember, there are plenty of people who have kept their New Year's resolutions.

    They finally left their unsatisfying job.

    Lost weight.

    Quit smoking.

    And put a dent in their reading list. You can do it too! You just need to take the right steps.

    Put some inspiring quotes where you can see them.

    Enlist the help of a friend (or Internet penguin) to cheer you on.

    Or, even better, get a friend to meet some of your goals with you.

    Don't look for loopholes.

    Be patient. Don't expect your life to change overnight.

    Try not to fall back on old habits.

    Don't look for the easy way out.

    Avoid temptation.

    And focus on how accomplished you'll feel if you make it.

    You've totally got this.