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I Wanna Know Popular Parenting Trends That You Think Are Actually Toxic

Let's call them out!

Parenting styles have definitely evolved over the past few decades. But in this extremely online, grind culture-obsessed, post-Covid-lockdown world, having kids is a totally different experience than ever before.

And maybe it's about time we reevaluated some parenting tactics, especially the ones that society views as totally normal but are actually pretty toxic. So I want to know, what are some parenting trends that you think are actually doing more harm than good?

Maybe you can't stand it when you see parents force their children to pose a million times for the camera and then post the pics on social media, very clearly exploiting their kids for views and likes — even though they probably see it more as a way to support their child or show them love.

Or perhaps you find it unhealthy when money-obsessed parents force "hustle culture" on their children under the guise of "preparing them for the future." And they make them start earning money waaay too early, teach them all about the stock market instead of letting them play outside, and make them pay for all their own food.

Or maybe you cringe every time you hear a mom or dad repeatedly yell at their very reluctant child to "go give [someone] a hug," because your parents did the same thing to you. And, even though your parents probably thought they weren't doing anything harmful, your physical boundaries were very clearly not being respected.

grandma hugging their grandson

Well, whatever it is, I wanna hear about it. In the comments below, tell me a parenting trend that you think is actually super toxic. If you want to remain anonymous, you can submit your story using this Google Form.

Your experience may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!