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What's The Most Sexist Thing You've Heard As A Woman Who Owns Her Own Home?

Unmarried women have only really been able to buy their own homes for like 50 years, so we've got A LONG WAY to go.

I think we can all agree that sexism and misogyny are alive and well in pretty much every aspect of our lives. If you're anything other than a cisgender man, it's basically a fact that some people are going to view you in a ~certain way~, especially in male-dominated spaces. Like, has a mechanic ever talked down to you or clearly up-charged you because he underestimated your car knowledge? Or have you ever brought your dog to the vet with your male partner, and the vet only addressed him, even though you were the one answering all the questions?

Yeah, this stuff's kind of hard to ignore. And I feel like buying or renovating your own home is kind of like a breeding ground for this type of misogyny. So if you're a woman who has ever received sexist comments from your real estate agent, contractor, neighbor, or even friends and family, I want to hear about it.

Maybe it was as simple as you hiring a plumber. When you opened the door, the plumber didn't even look you in the eyes. He looked right past you, inside your house, and said, "Is your husband or father home? I usually deal with the man of the house."

Or perhaps you're on the market for your first home, and despite making it clear that you want a three-bedroom, your real estate agent just keeps showing you one-bedroom houses, saying things like, "You won't need all that space" and "You might want to wait to get something bigger once you get married and have a family."

Or maybe you're just doing a little DIY project that you're certainly capable of doing yourself. But when you go to the hardware store, the clerk says, "You should hire someone to do this for you. Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself or break a nail."

Whatever was said to you, I want to hear about it. In the comments below, tell me about a time when you were either buying your own house, renovating, doing repairs, or anything else home-related and experienced some form of misogyny. If you want to remain anonymous, you can submit your story using this Google Form.

Your experience may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!