16 Pretty Bloody Weird Things Only People From Manchester Do

    It's over lads, let's come clean: We all secretly wish we lived in Chorlton.

    1. Walking through the food market to get to Greggs.

    2. Regularly getting lost in the Arndale.

    3. And devising complex plots to find a food court seat.

    4. Saying "me" at the end of every single sentence.

    5. Avoiding the terrifying city centre geese because you know full well they could beat you in a fight.

    6. Eating an entire four-pack of Eccles cakes yourself.

    7. Being jealous of the shirtless youths in Piccadilly Gardens when the sun comes out.

    8. Taking the bread roll debate far too seriously.

    9. Conceding that the price of beer in London is pretty much the same as in Manchester.

    10. Admitting that "Vimto" doesn't have a "p" in it.

    11. And that The Piccadilly Rats are your favourite band.

    Always a pleasure to see Gaz Stanley and the Piccadilly Rats entertaining. @GPiccadillyRats


    A lot of famous music originated in Manchester, like the Bee Gees, Oasis, and (er) Simply Red. But no matter what Mancunians claim their favourite band is, it's actually The Piccadilly Rats. Not just because they mangle pop classics while performing shirtless in the street with rubber rodent masks on, but because they’re the band we've all seen the most times, and that means they’re the best.

    12. Being secretly proud of the whole "rainy city" thing.

    13. Daydreaming about zapping slow walkers on Market Street with an electric cattle prod.

    14. Getting genuinely angry when people quote Liam Gallagher at you, or shout "OUR KID".

    15. Being a bit disappointed that scallies broke Mobikes.

    16. And secretly wishing you lived in Chorlton.