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    You Know You're A PT Major When...

    Hey all you Physical Therapy majors out there! I hope that you take a study break and get a chuckle out of this article. You need to keep laughing to stay sane. Your future patients are depending on you.

    1. You love people!

    2. You are always willing to lend a helping hand.

    3. You are probably SO fit.

    4. You're very smart, but college is hard.

    5. You love the human body.

    6. You asked for a lifesize skeleton model for Christmas.

    7. School is all you think about.

    8. You love a good anatomy pun.

    9. Your phone autocorrects "humorous" to "humerus."

    10. Everything you see reminds you of anatomy.

    11. Gross anatomy has taken over your life.

    12. If you weren't already a coffee drinker, Gross changes that.

    13. You absolutely kick-ass during internships and at work, but your academics give you self-doubt.

    14. You've said, "No, I'm not a massage therapist" many times.

    15. You do happen to be great at giving massages, however.

    16. You spend a few days a week hanging out with the deceased.

    17. Your roommates find your lifestyle humorous.

    18. Your friends frequently ask you for health-related advice.

    19. You come to grips with a lot of harsh realities.

    20. You have or are yearning for a white coat.

    21. Practicals are the most stressful experiences of your life.

    22. You're attracted to other, future medical professionals.

    23. You'd swoon over a good medical pickup line.

    24. You try to switch up your study spots as much as possible to stay focused and interested...

    25. ...but you end up in the library 99.999% of the time.

    26. Once you're in the study zone...nothing can stop you.

    27. You've become well-versed in the art of "study breaks"

    28. You cherish your walks between classes.

    29. When someone asks you how you are, you say "good," but you're not good.

    30. Your study techniques are top notch.

    31. You know the names of WAY too many muscles.

    32. You go ALL OUT for Sprang Break.

    33. You live the khaki life...

    34. Or the scrub life. There is no in between.

    35. Your PT senses could kick in at any moment.

    36. You have personal space issues thanks to palpation.

    37. Your roommates let you use them for palp practice.

    38. You've had to explain what "palpation" is about a million times.

    39. Every weekend is an emotional struggle.

    40. Your search history is comical.

    41. You have a passion for pneumonics.

    42. You LOVE a good injury.

    43. It seems you will never be emotionally ready for an exam, but you try to tell yourself otherwise.

    44. The "I just finished an exam" feeling is like none other.

    45. You know what the S5 Dermatome is, and it still makes you giggle.

    46. Copious amounts of alcohol may or may not be used as a coping mechanism.

    47. You learned exactly how your liver processes that alcohol, and you were filled with pride.

    48. And, finally, your PT pals are your everything.

    49. You may not have it all together...

    50. But, together, you have it all!