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    Just contemplate the impossible to foresee what is possible.

    Have you ever considered the possibility that perhaps we are the aliens that we are so afraid of finding? Movies such as Independence Day, Alien, and The Avengers, all portray aliens as a dominating species meant to conquer and enslave the world. I believe the creators of those films all mirrored history and depicted the single worst thing that most human beings find deplorable - slavery. The fact of the matter is that human history has indeed been extremely short compared to the total lifetime of our planet. Yet in this short time that we were put on Earth, we have managed to live through colonization, industrial revolution, two world wars, as well as countless other technological improvements.

    It should be no surprise that the next logical step would be to expand our horizons and look further into interplanetary relations. The probability that we would have found some form of intelligent life by now seems pretty high. How is it that we live in the Milky Way galaxy, which is home to numerous other planets, and still have yet to come across anyone else willing to say, "Hi". It is entirely possible that there is other intelligent life on planets we have yet to set foot on. It is entirely possible that they have yet to expand a form of transportation that is viable for interplanetary travel as well. It is also entirely possible that we are just a little science project under the careful analysis of "aliens", just like in Men in Black.

    If there is anything you should know about me, it is that I am an extremely logical person. Prior to my week in Portland, I was agnostic. Now having experienced all of the things that happened to me within the last week, I can confidently say that I am spiritual. I do not want to believe in any religions nor am I a religious nut. I just believe in fate and I believe that there is some form of higher power that watches over us. I believe that most people have a moral compass within themselves. I just happen to listen to my own moral compass more often than others might. In my mind, this moral compass is "God".

    I have always had the utmost faith in strangers, because I have the utmost faith in humanity. I do not believe there are any "evil" people, nor do I believe that there are any "crazy" people. I think there are just misunderstood people who honestly, just does the best with what they were given. In the far end of the spectrum for this premise, I don't believe Hitler was evil. I believe Hitler manipulated others by taking advantage of his charismatic nature. I believe he thought he was "ridding this world of impurities". But no, I truly do not believe Hitler was evil.

    In the end, when you are able to look at arguments from all sides, you are then able to ascertain which side you would like to stand on. Personally, my opinions on all matters are constantly changing depending on the information presented to me, whether by family, friends, or the media. The best way for me to explain it is, my thoughts move like liquid water. It constantly is being shaped by the environment that surrounds it. Whenever I encounter new information, it is as if a rock formation stands in my path. However, I will always make way for it, and I will always validate the information that confronts me. The people closest to me may at times view me as a flip flopper. Please realize that I also am just doing the best that I can with the information presented to me.

    I believe that "God" is the "alien" we are so terrified of finding. I believe that millions of Christians/Catholics/Hindus/Muslims/Evangelists can't be wrong by having faith in a higher being. I believe every person has a "God" acting as the moral compass in our heads. I believe that once the entire human population considers this as a possibility, then "God" will finally loosen the blindfold. I believe that sometimes he or she (I call them Shim) uses me as a vessel to speak through, because I feel as though I have aged a ton since Portland. I have never felt such wisdom, and my closest friends can probably vouch for me because I was never that Pacific Ocean deep of a person before Portland. I believe that once we are self aware and transparent with our thoughts, only then will we cross that next step of interplanetary travel because then, we will have "God" assisting us.