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    Coping With Post-Grad Back To School FOMO

    Wake me up when September (and/or unemployment) ends.

    September's here once again, kids. There are pencils to be sharpened!

    Roos to be Dunked!

    And sophisticated stationary to be put on display!

    That is, unless you're a recent grad with no job, no apartment, and no reason to look forward to September... at all.

    You feel nostalgia for a Scantron as you fill out a job application for Quiznos.

    You jolt awake at night, sweaty from nightmares where backpack displays come crashing down around you.


    PAUSE. Before you set fire to that very *expensive* piece of paper, take a second to consider this:

    In his early twenties, Jon Hamm was starting his career in show business as a set dresser for soft-core porn.

    Several celebs including Rachel McAdams, Jay Leno, and Pink trudged through the Golden Arches before finding the spotlight.

    J.K. Rowling day-dreamed the concept for Harry Potter during a four-hour train delay after apartment hunting in Manchester.

    Tina Fey worked as the child-care registrar at a Y.M.C.A. before being tapped to join Second City.

    And Jay-Z was still a baby.

    Among the abundance of wisdom from Joan Rivers that has been rediscovered since her passing, there is an inspiring clip from 2012 in which she reminds daughter Melissa, "Life is so much fun; it's one big movie."

    View this video on YouTube

    If that's true (it came from Joan Rivers, therefore, it is), your title credits have just started to roll.

    Take a deep breath, and be patient. Be thankful for what you have, and work hard for what you don't.

    Create. Read. Travel. Do stupid things. Have smart conversation. Wander until you find what you were meant to discover.