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25 Cursed Images Millennials Grew Up Thinking Were Hot As Hell But Now, Looking Back, Are 100% Not


All of the following made you like this:

1. A group of grown men dry-humping the air in a congo line:

2. Painfully spiky frosted tipped hair:

3. A guy wearing jeans getting plowed by waves:

4. Every guy with this haircut:

5. A group of guys giving each other wet willies while eating pizza:

6. This:

7. A guy with ramen noodle hair moaning:

8. Guys with knit bucket hats:

9. Whatever is happening here:

10. A sweaty thriving man-boy:

11. A group of men in tight zippered baby tees dancing on a spaceship:

12. Everything happening here:

13. A group of men, some shirtless, some wearing neon shirts, in oversize white suits and fedoras:

14. Just a bunch of guys slapping their own asses:

15. This sexy military man:

16. A group of men in humongous colorful suits:

17. Five guys on an oversize wagon together:

18. A man *really* enjoying spreading his hands across his face:

19. A group of guys wearing very large shiny ski suits in July:

20. Pouring very hot wax on someone's bare chest:

21. These sweet boys:

22. These patriotic boys:

23. I don't even know:

24. A group of guys dressed as bedazzled marionette dolls:

25. And a man wearing oversize goggles, dog chains, a baseball glove, and two ponytail things: