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It's Very, Very Funny How These 31 Extremely American Things Confuse The Bloody Hell Out Of British People

They really can't stand when we microwave water.

There was some drama between the US and UK last week!

Stars and Stripes and Union Jack separated by a large crevice

An American professor suggested adding a pinch of salt to a cup of tea, and Brits lost their minds.

Screenshot of a headline saying "Perfect cup of tea needs a pinch of salt and squeeze of lemon, says US chemist"

People were pissed.

"Who the fuck would put salt in tea?"

The US Embassy even had to issue a statement condemning the recipe.

An important statement on the latest tea controversy. 🇺🇸🇬🇧 pic.twitter.com/HZFfSCl9sD

— U.S. Embassy London (@USAinUK) January 24, 2024
Twitter: @USAinUK

They said, "We want to ensure the good people of the UK that the unthinkable notion of adding salt to Britain's national drink is not official United States policy. And never will be."

Two hands, one wearing a US flag and one a UK flag boxing glove

Because I love a good "US vs. UK" moment, here are some American things that confuse the hell out of British people.

1. When Americans say what grade they are in to describe how old they are.

Why do Americans answer "How old were you?" With a grade....I'm British mate. Just say your fucking age

— Ryan (@Ryanjw7699) August 6, 2018
Twitter: @Ryanjw7699

2. Beans on toast.

quick question from a brit, why do americans hate beans on toast so much ?????
that shit is DELICIOUS

— emmy⁷ (@promiiseok) September 12, 2020
Twitter: @promiiseok

3. Sweet potato casserole.

Question to all you lovely Americans on this fine giving of thanks day: Is sweet potato casserole a side dish or a dessert? As a Brit I am so confused

— Cat 🗑️🐱 Trash Cat VTuber (@CatsReturn) November 23, 2023
Twitter: @CatsReturn

4. The way Americans heat up water in microwaves.

do americans actually make tea in the microwave or is that just a british conspiracy made to scare us

— @ commandercodys (@poedxmerons) July 23, 2015
Twitter: @poedxmerons

5. The national anthem.

why do americans always sing their national anthem i don’t think ive ever heard the British one

— leah 🪩 (@BEJEWELEDLEAH) January 20, 2021

6. The fact that Americans call it "math" instead of "maths."

Why do Americans abbreviate “mathematics” to “math”, but for the British it’s “maths”?

— Grant Faulkner (@GrrrantFaulkner) November 19, 2020
Twitter: @GrrrantFaulkner

7. When Americans say, "Wanna grab a coffee?"

Why do americans say "wanna grab a coffee" so often? As a Brit should I say "wanna grab a cup of tea"?

— Ri (@Fazerella) September 3, 2011
Twitter: @Fazerella

8. Why Americans call it gas when it's a liquid.

You won't mind if I make fun of Americans right? Gas! They call a liquid gas! (Though I'm pretty sure us brits are the only ones to not call it gas)

— Uncanny Scout (@AnotherGuest55) September 1, 2023
Twitter: @AnotherGuest55

9. Why Americans are so friendly and chatty in general.

Wtf why are Americans so friendly and chatty?? As a brit it baffles me.

— Midnight Madman Vtuber 🤛🦊 (@M1dnight_madman) October 3, 2023
Twitter: @M1dnight_madman

10. Why Americans always joke about marmite.

Why do Americans think marmite is so funny? I don't get it.

— Joe The Brit (@Joe_The_Brit) January 13, 2013
Twitter: @Joe_The_Brit

11. Why Americans care about the royal family.

do americans genuinely believe brits like the royal family?? bc i can assure you 90% of the country would rather have no monarch

— maya 💎 (@seongfilms) September 8, 2022
Twitter: @seongfilms

12. Summer camp.

Do Americans still send kids away to camp for the summer? Why don’t we Brits do this? 😂

— Naomi Rovnick 歐蜜 (@naomi_rovnick) August 4, 2022
Twitter: @naomi_rovnick

13. The fact that Americans wear things that say "London" and "Oxford," and Brits wear things that say "New York" and "Chicago."

Why do Americans wear sweatshirts that say London or Oxford and us Brits wear ones that say New York or Chicago etc? Something I do but will never understand 🤔

— Georgia (@_Georgia_Owen) December 28, 2023
Twitter: @_Georgia_Owen

14. Halloween.

Why do Americans like #Halloween so much more than Brits? Like they’re so into it??

— Stefan Rhys-Williams (@stefanrw1) October 14, 2023
Twitter: @stefanrw1

15. The way Americans call pizza "pie."

Why do Americans call pizza, pie?? 😫 confuses the fuck outta my British ass

— Roch (@ferreroroch96) February 12, 2022
Twitter: @ferreroroch96

16. The fact that Americans find British accents sexy.

Do Americans really finds the British accent sexy ?? ???

— mk (@valenthusiast) January 19, 2019
Twitter: @valenthusiast

17. The use of "xx."

why do americans not use “x” like the brits? it’s so fucking cute xxxx

like little forehead smooches for all of u xxxx

— juju 🧚🏼‍♂️ (@jujujupiterr) January 3, 2022
Twitter: @jujujupiterr

18. The whole kettle vs. teapot conundrum.

Do Americans not have kettles or something? Or do they not have teapots? The two terms are not interchangeable and as a brit it riles me.

— Victoria (@djin_and_tonic) January 12, 2016
Twitter: @djin_and_tonic

19. The legal drinking age.

do americans really not drink until 21?? it’s like british culture to get drunk on wkd vodka at 15 here 💀

— mal (@everqlows) January 13, 2021
Twitter: @everqlows

20. Wee vs. pee.

Do Americans say the word “wee” for the word “pee” as us Brits do??

— kerrabella 🫶🏻 (@chipzkii) July 14, 2022
Twitter: @chipzkii

21. School dances.

do americans actually have dances at their high schools ? imagine that at british schools 😭 all piled in your school gym gurning ya face off to macky gee and skepta loooool

— rhi (@Rhianna_Jayyy) June 18, 2020
Twitter: @Rhianna_Jayyy

22. The way Americans struggle to understand British accents.

wait do americans actually struggle to understand british accents

— fin ⚓🪼 (@hadalshark) October 4, 2021
Twitter: @hadalshark

23. "Chip chip."

Why do americans always say 'chip chip' when impersonating the british? I've never heard a brit say that in my life lol

— KnickersInATwist (@MsBramble) November 10, 2013
Twitter: @MsBramble

24. The fact that Americans call it "horseback riding" instead of "horse riding."


— finn (@GWSFINN) February 19, 2021
Twitter: @GWSFINN

25. Clapping and cheering at movie theaters.

ok but why do americans clap and cheer in cinemas 😭😭😭british people get annoyed if someone coughs

— eddie/ani 🛸↯👻 ADRIANS BF (@corrieguard) April 7, 2020
Twitter: @corrieguard

26. The way Americans carry shopping bags.

Why do Americans carry shopping bags this way instead of using the handles like us Brits? Weird. pic.twitter.com/tIgELOakqg

— Paul Chantler (@PaulChantler) March 14, 2020
Twitter: @PaulChantler

27. The way Americans think talking in British accents is funny.

why do americans think talking in a british accent is the peak of comedy?

— ben parvin (@bennysweatpants) August 27, 2020
Twitter: @bennysweatpants

28. The way Americans tell non-Americans what specific state they're from, as if the non-American has any idea where that is.

why do americans say what specific state they’re from like i don’t know every state... what if british people started saying what city they were from we should confuse the americans back

— taylor 🐜 (@havesomeblue) January 5, 2021
Twitter: @havesomeblue

29. "Lovers' lanes."

why do americans have "lovers' lanes" while us brits just have "dogging sites"?

— P££T (@VisionsOfJack) January 17, 2019
Twitter: @VisionsOfJack

30. "On line" vs. "In line."

Why do Americans stand “on” line when Brits would stand “in” line?

— Richard Jeffries (@Richthekeeper) January 20, 2021
Twitter: @Richthekeeper

31. And lastly, toasting marshmallows.

As a Brit I have to ask why do Americans toast marshmallows? Is it a taste thing or what?🤔

— Gareth Maybank (@Maybank1970) June 5, 2016
Twitter: @Maybank1970