I'm 99% Certain Every Millenial Was Traumatized By This Episode Of "Are You Afraid Of The Dark"

    No, I'm not talking about the pool goblin thing.

    Well well well, BUZZFOOLS (no offense), here we are again. You came to this post expecting to be scared and to be scared you will be. This post revolves around the scariest episode of Are You Afraid Of The Dark ever created. In short: Sardo is a lil' shit, the "I'm Cold" boy was tragic and bleak, and frankly, the pool monster was just an UGLY, sad blob of flesh.

    The scariest episode of all time is "The Tale Of The Lonely Ghost."

    Sip sip.

    The episode starts with this girl named Amanda showing up at her aunt's house for the summer.

    Amanda has to stay with Crazy Eyes Aunt Dottie* because her parents are doing some archaeology dig because they don't love her**.

    Anyway, Amanda has a cousin and her name is Beth. She's a lil' piece of shit and had bad bangs.

    Beth with the bad bangs is super mean to Amanda. She doesn't want to hang out with Amanda.

    Beth tells Amanda that in order to hang she has to prove she's not a "zeeb" (lol). In order to prove that she's not a zeeb she has to organize her stuffed animals and never snitch to CEAD*.

    She also has to spend the night in the haunted house across the street.

    It's for sale but the "for sale" sign keeps on falling down because as CEAD says, "It seems like the house doesn't want to be sold." Which is, like duh. It's fucking haunted.

    Sooooo, on Amanda's first night in CEAD's house this creepy old lady walks up the stairs and introduces herself as Nanny...

    ...but then bad-banged Beth runs in the hallway and tells her NOT TO TOUCH HER WRINKLY HANDS. She tells Amanda that Nanny's weird and crazy. It's cruel, but then again if I had bangs that bad I would be a raging POS too.

    That night, banged-out Beth and her shitty friends tell Amanda the story about the haunted house across the street.

    The story goes like this: A little girl who couldn't speak was sent to her grandmother's house for the summer because her mother had to take care of her father because of a war. The little girl never made it to her grandma's house because some kids chased her back home and locked her in her own bedroom. Her grandma never knew she was coming and her mom didn't return for weeks*. The little girl died in that room.

    Sooo, because she has no friends, Amanda has no choice but to spend the night in the haunted-ass house.

    This is when shit hits the fan.

    This happens...

    ...and then Amanda turns around and sees a sad dead girl in the fucking mirror!!


    The next day, Amanda and bushy-banged Beth are told that they need to wash the haunted dead girl's room because the dead girl wrote "Help Me" all over the place.


    That's when the mirror turns translucent and dumb Beth is transfixed by a stuffed animal collection...

    Then, in truly terrifying fashion, the dead girl comes out of the mirror holding a locket.

    It's fucked.

    The dead girl scares the shit about Beth...

    ...and then has THE AUDACITY to creepily write "HELP ME" AGAIN on the wall. It's like, girl we get it. YOU NEED HELP.

    Boo hoo banged-Beth is just standing their stuck in a dead girl's room.

    So, Amanda takes the locket realizing it's Nanny's and gives it to her.

    Nanny goes to the haunted house and sees the dead girl. The dead girl is happy.

    Nanny can't believe her eyes!

    They reunite and blah blah this is still some scary-ass shit.


    Then Nanny and dead girl go to a alternate dimension.

    Turns out Nanny was the dead girl's mother all-along!

    The end.

    Sweet dreams!