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The 21 Most Useless College Majors For Pugs, From Fashion Design To Boat Operating

All of these have been determined using a complicated algorithm comprised of the following criteria: Pug satisfaction, dog treat earnings, and projected belly rubs. Oh yeah, you should check out the Daily Beast's human most useless college major rankings here.

21. Childcare

20. Hospitality Management

19. Culinary arts

18. Meteorology

17. Horsing

16. Sharking

15. Landscape Architecture

14. Computer Education

13. Fashion Design

12. Library Arts

11. Personal Shopping

10. Miming

9. Plumbing

8. Boat Operating

7. Fruit Ladying

6. Professional Gaming

5. Pizza Delivery

4. Pumpkin farming

3. Clowning

2. Global Wine Studies

1. Celebrity Impersonating

Big shoutout to Hell Yeah Pugs for most of these pics.