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23 Deleted Taylor Swift Tweets That I Revisit From Time To Time Because It Shows Her *Real* Personality

Once upon a time, Taylor Swift was always tweetin.'

One upon a time, Taylor Swift was what one might call a "prolific Twitter person."

taylor being surprised

She was always tweeting about this and that. It was the early 2010s, people still thought Twitter was fun!

taylor swift winning an award

But then, she deleted all of her tweets and they were presumably gone forever.

taylor in 2016

Luckily, in some deep corners of the dark web, they exist. So, here are some I find particularly funny and memorable.

a guy in a hoodie surfing the dark web

1. That time she made a good point about hair ties:

its crazy to think about how many countries ive lost hair ties in

2. The time she connected to Lady Gaga on a spiritual level:

theres nothing quite like singing along in a car to paparazzi by lady gaga while actually being chased by paparazzi

3. That time she had "one of those nights":

taylor tweeting where do frogs go in the winter

4. That time she discovered nature's pepper spray.

i will always remember today as the day i cooked dinner, rubbed my eyes, and then learned that jalapenos are nature's pepper spray

5. That time she made a good point about packaging:

that moment when you buy scisccors and then you try to open them but you cant because you dont have scissors

6. That time she taunted Brad Paisley with his own song called "Little Moments":

taylor saying she drove past braid paisley blasting little moments and brad responding that he got heckled

7. The time she broke her hotel room curtains:

at the fancy hotel i may have broken the fancy curtains because i didnt know they have a fancy electric button to close them hm

8. That time she tried to pay in sea shells:

went to get coffee today opened my change purse. sea shells fell out. barista goes sorry we only take cash or credit. so theres that

9. That time she had this conflicting feeling about her own popularity:

that san antonio crowd was amazing and so loud. now im stuck in  my own concert traffic, which is a conflicting feeling

10. The time she tweeted about reading a hotel shampoo bottle:

just tried reading a hotel shampoo bottle an arms length away from my face to check if i still need contacts. turns out i do. eventful night

11. That time she had food all over her face:

how come no one told me that for 4 hours there was chocolate cake all over my face. because you ate it alone, taylor. you ate it alone.

12. The time she admitted she had a candle problem:

conversations with myself while shopping: put the candle down. you already have too many candles. put it down. but it smells so pretty

13. The time she was deep inside the womb of a cat:

watching cats in the womb on discovery channel while hundreds of people i dont know leave me drunken voicemails. it's a friday night

14. This completely valid thought I've had many times:

i need there to be a follow up for every viral video letting me know the people/cats are ok in them. like lol but no seriously, you alright?

15. That time she helped Demi Lovato with her new perfume:

demi tweeting about a perfume called death and taylor saying she should call it decay or filth

16. The time she broke her remote control:

apparently my only way of dealing with a remote control that isnt working right is to bang it on the table and scream come on

17. The time she made this birthday wish:

as my 25th birthday present from the media, id like for you to stop accusing all my friends of dating me

18. The time she revealed the secret worst part of October:

its october aka the month when the horror movie ads start and at any moment a dead doll or corpse ghost could pop up on my tv hashtag struggles

19. The time she caught her cat in this compromising position:

taylor tweeting a picture of her cat looking awkward on a couch with the caption you seemed stressed

20. The time her car broke down outside the Victoria's Secret fashion show:

my car broke down outside victoria's secret and the girl who worked there jumped my battery. i proceeded to tell her shes a real VS angel

21. The time she had to clarify she wasn't actually buying a castle:

cause baby i could build a castle out of all the bricks they threw at me. a line from new romantics. but im not actually buying a castle

22. The time she was super jet lagged:

at a certain level of jet lagged, i just start answering all my business emails with ill do whatever i want

23. And the time she was both 80 and 5 at the same time:

watching tv with my cat while eating toy story fruit snacks. so basically im 80 and 5 at the same time