Steve Wilkos Really Got Me With His Tribute To Jerry Springer, And If You're A Millennial, You'll Know What I Mean

    "Other than my father, Jerry was the most influential man in my life."

    Millennials of a certain age grew up with this big, bald-headed man: Steve Wilkos.

    You probably remember him always laying the smackdown on guests on Jerry Springer.

    He was *the* main "bouncer" on the show.

    He was always kickin' some ass, or at least preventing ass-kicking from happening.

    Anyway, Steve got his own show: The Steve Wilkos Show.

    Yesterday, we learned that Jerry Springer died at the age of 79, and Jerry was obviously a *huge* part of Steve's life.

    The two were very close.

    And now, Steve has released his own statement about Jerry's death:

    Here's his statement:

    The statement says "other than my father, Jerry was the most influential man in my life. Everything I have today I owe to Jerry. He was the smartest, most generous, kindest person I've ever known. My wife and I are devastated, we will miss him terribly"

    And the caption:

    "Take care of yourself and each other." —Jerry Springer

    Well... 🥹