People Want To Die After Watching Pete Buttigieg Supporters Doing Their Dance To "High Hopes" By Panic! At The Disco

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    Pete Buttigieg just polled high in Iowa and good for him and all!

    But this post isn't about the polls, this post is about a dance his supporters have started.

    Mayor Pete supporters have created their own choregraphed dance to "High Hopes" by Panic! At The Disco.

    #BREAKING: Mayor Pete’s boomer army descends on Iowa.

    If you're at a Mayor Pete rally, then you will see it.

    Team @PeteButtigieg showing off their dance moves early this morning ahead of today’s #SteakFry in Iowa.

    They do it everywhere.

    ...meanwhile, during the #PeteSummit lunch break #teampete #highhopes

    And it makes people want to die.

    every time I see that Pete buttigieg high hopes dance I want to die

    This person is Googling ways to forget it.

    we’re living in a post high hopes dance world my friends.

    This person says people who do it have a special place in hell.

    Everyone who does the Mayor Pete “High Hopes” dance has a reserved spot in hell.

    This person says it's the perfect soundtrack for signing divorce papers.

    me doing the pete buttigieg high hopes dance while my wife signs the divorce papers

    And this person wants to join the Mayor Pete campaign so they can destroy it from the inside.

    Just sent my resume to the Pete Buttigieg campaign so I can destroy the high hopes dance from the inside

    It's extremely polarizing.

    Still, some people seem to enjoy it.

    Might go to the gym, might just do the High Hopes Buttigieg dance in my living room for 30 minutes instead.

    To each his own and let them have fun, I guess.

    In conclusion, I think we can all agree that we're going to see "High Hopes" dance at a wedding soon.

    someone out there has done the buttigeg high hopes dance at their wedding


    As President I will make the mayor Pete High Hopes Dance MANDATORY. ALL MUST DANCE LIKE 85 YEAR OLD WHITE PEOPLE!