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Naomi Campbell Wore A Literal Hazmat Suit To The Airport In A Series Of Completely Over The Top Instagram Pictures

I aspire to this level of extra-ness.

Naomi Campbell has a history of being extremely but iconically extra.

The levels of pettiness are unparalleled.

Last year, Naomi posted her airport routine that at the time seemed a bit extra.

She wiped down everything in her first class seat with plastic gloves.

She brought her own seat cover.

Back then it was "over the top." Not so much anymore.

View this video on YouTube


"Pulling a Naomi Campbell" is now a verb.

Definitely pulling a Naomi Campbell at the airport😭🤷🏾‍♀️


Naomi decided to one-up her airplane routine and showed up to the airport in a full-on hazmat suit.

No, she isn't on her ways to test samples of viruses at the CDC, she's going on a flight from New York to Los Angeles.

My one question for her is: What's the deal with the fogged up glasses. I'm not doctor but that seems like a nice, moist place for a virus to thrive.

Stay safe and wash your hands, everyone!