A New Hampshire Real Estate Listing Is Going Viral Because Michael Myers Is Hidden In Every Picture Like A Terrifying Game Of "Where's Waldo?"

    It's like "Where's Waldo?" but slightly more terrifying.

    Tom Bolduc is a real estate agent in New Hampshire who decided to *spice things up* on a listing by adding a little surprise to the house photos.

    The outside of the New Hampshire home that is surrounded by a wooded area

    That little surprise being Michael Myers in every picture.

    Michael Myers standing behind a well

    He told Today, "It's a perfect season and me and my sellers thought it would be a fun way to make people laugh."

    So, see if you can spot him in all the photos. Sometimes, he's harder to find than you'd think.

    Michael standing outside and looking the window of the door that leads into the kitchen
    Michael behind a staircase looking into the dining room
    A reflection of Michael in a bathroom mirror
    Michael peeking into the living room
    Michael standing outside looking through a dining room window
    Michael handing behind a shower curtain
    Michael opening a window into the home office
    Michael's arm reaching into a drawer in the kitchen
    Michael standing in the distance in the forest that surrounds the house
    Michael chilling on a bed
    Michael holding a knife as he stands in the bedroom doorway
    Michael standing behind a 5-drawer chest
    Michael peeking into the basement game room through the window
    Michael laying on the couch
    Michael standing outside by the patio
    Michael behind the house
    Michael behind the shed
    Michael hiding behind a tree near the chicken coop
    Michael holding a knife as he stands in a doorway near the kitchen

    And last but not least...

    Michael holding a chainsaw in front of the house with the For Sale sign in the foreground