Kanye West Shared A Picture Of The Room He's Living In, And It Couldn't Be Any Different Than His Scary Mansion

    It's giving me freshman year of college dorm room vibes.

    In case you somehow didn't know, Kanye West and Kim Kardashian lived in a $50 million dollar mansion that they turned into a purge pad with an eclectic "abandoned museum" kind of feel.

    A long dimly-lit hallway in Kim and Kanye's home

    The living room has a comfy "morgue" feel.

    The hallways give big "dead nun at the end of the hall" energy.

    And sometimes they just empty the living room to put in a single piano and hang interesting flower arrangements from the ceiling.

    It was rumored that they kept Kenny G in the basement.

    Best husband award goes to mine 🙋🏻‍♀️!!!! Most thoughtful gifts ever!!!!

    Via @kimkardashian

    They let him out on holidays like Valentine's Day.

    Kenny performing among dozes of single roses in individual vases on the floor

    My favorite part was how they decorated their hallways with piles of pumpkins on Halloween.

    Like, literally just piles of pumpkins.

    But as we know, Kim and Kanye divorced.

    And now Kanye is releasing a new album called Donda.

    Kanye performing in a puffer jacket, matching pants and shoes, and a full face mask

    The album isn't actually finished, so Kanye is staying in Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta until he finishes the record.

    Yes, he's holed up in an entire stadium.

    People milling about outside of the stadium

    Kanye shared a picture of his room on Instagram, and it couldn't be more opposite than what he's used to:

    It's very...heterosexual.

    There are no windows, cinderblock walls, a twin bed, and some pairs of shoes on the ground.

    The only things missing are dorm room staples like a burnt out Yankee candle.

    An old pizza box.

    And a recliner in front of a small TV.

    Good luck with that album! Hopefully you get out of that room soon.