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27 Pictures That Show What Georgia Looks Like Now That It Has "Reopened"

Restaurants, gyms, and hair salons are open in Georgia and here's what that looks like.

Gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, barbershops, and hair salons were allowed to open in Georgia on Friday as long as they followed social distancing and sanitization guidelines.

Dine-in restaurants, theaters, and private social clubs were allowed to open on Monday.

As of today, Tuesday, Georgia has had a total of 24,551 confirmed Coronavirus cases resulting in 1,020 deaths.

Dr. Fauci warned states that opening too quickly could "backfire." President Trump also said it was "too soon" and that he wasn't happy with the Governor of Georgia's decision.

All of that said, Georgia is "reopened" and here are some pictures showing what it looks like there.

1. After being quarantined for about three weeks, a man is happy to gets his haircut.

2. Another man gets his much-needed hair washed.

3. A lone box of Clorox wipes sits idly nearby.

4. This guy anxiously awaits his turn.

5. A restaurant hangs a sign saying they're open.

6. Two people named Gene and Julia order food on the first day restaurants reopened.

7. A hostess table is set up outside to encourage social distancing.

8. Tables marked with an "X" aren't allowed to be used.

9. At this restaurant, clean things are marked "clean."

10. A man took his elderly mother out for lunch.

11. Waffle Houses are open again.

12. This Waffle House uses plastic bags to show which seats you can sit in.

13. The workers also wear masks.

14. People are back on the beach.

15. Is this picture from Spring Breakers? Nope it's people ordering drinks at a beach bar during a pandemic.

16. A group of people eat at a "road side food joint."

17. It was a good beach day.

18. People are getting manicures again.

19. This person gets their much-needed post-quarantine manicure.

20. You can even get your eyebrows threaded.

21. This woman was able to get her highlights touched up.

22. Even tanning salons are back in business.

23. Gyms are open and people are working out again.

24. A man works out.

25. Another man rows.

26. Gains can't be stopped!

27. Lastly, a restaurant entices customers with a free toilet paper promotion.