Gwyneth Paltrow Gave A Tour Of Her Refrigerator, And There's A Whole Lotta Beverages

    *Zooms in on condiments*

    Ding dong ding dong! Everyone assemble! The moment you've all been waiting for is upon us!

    older woman drinking coffee at her laptop

    The one and only Goopy Gwyn gave a tour of her refrigerator!

    gwenyth opening her fridge

    The fridge tour is apparently a *trend,* and Gwyn posted it on Instagram:

    As you can see, there are many, many beverages: I spot La Croix, probiotic soda, yerba mate, some beers, tonic waters, and the essential rich bitch beverage: Pellegrino.

    fridge lined with tons of beverages

    There are also multiple bottles of half-and-half, yogurts, fruit-in-bowls, and many many milks.

    gwyn showing her fridge

    From this angle, I also spot eggs, dates, and Greek yogurt. There also appear to be a bunch of unlabeled containers.


    berries in tiny bowls next to the yogurt

    Gwyn was also *gracious* enough to reveal a life hack: she puts moisturizer and eye masks in the fridge.

    "It just feels amazing and cool," she said in front of three types of butters.

    It's all pretty pedestrian but I'm more interested in this condiment area. You know there's some weird ancient mineral shit there!

    circle around the condiment door

    Ultimately, I have to say this is a beverage-heavy fridge, and I can't seem to find any produce/actual food.

    But who am I to judge? Ciao!

    older woman smiling at her computer