70 Countries Where It's Illegal To Be Gay

    It's 2019 and people are still being arrested for being gay.

    All of the following statistics are from Human Rights Watch.

    It should also be noted that in some of these countries these are very old laws and some are enforced more strictly than others. In most of these places there is still a robust gay community fighting for equality, so this isn't a plea to stop visiting these places! This list is just documenting where homosexual acts are technically illegal. Go to Human Rights Watch to read more about the specifics!

    1. Algeria

    2. Antigua & Barbuda

    3. Bangladesh

    4. Barbados

    5. Bhutan

    6. Botswana

    7. Brunei

    8. Burundi

    9. Cameroon

    10. Chad

    11. Comoros

    12. The Cook Islands

    13. Dominica

    14. Egypt

    15. Eritrea

    16. Eswatini

    17. Ethiopia

    18. Gambia

    19. Ghana

    20. Grenada

    21. Guinea

    22. Guyana

    23. Iran

    24. Jamaica

    25. Kenya

    26. Kiribati

    27. Kuwait

    28. Lebanon

    29. Liberia

    30. Libya

    31. Malawi

    32. Malaysia

    33. Maldives

    34. Mauritania

    35. Mauritius

    36. Morocco

    37. Myanmar (Burma)

    38. Namibia

    39. Nigeria

    40. Occupied Palestinian territory, Gaza Strip

    41. Oman

    42. Pakistan

    43. Papua New Guinea

    44. Qatar

    45. Saint Kitts and Nevis

    46. Saint Lucia

    47. Saint Vincent and The Grenadines

    48. Samoa

    49. Saudi Arabia

    50. Senegal

    51. Sierra Leone

    52. Singapore

    53. Solomon Islands

    54. Somalia

    55. South Sudan

    56. Sri Lanka

    57. Sudan

    58. Syria

    59. Tanzania

    60. Togo

    61. Tonga

    62. Tunisia

    63. Turkmenistan

    64. Tuvalu

    65. Uganda

    66. United Arab Emirates

    67. Uzbekistan

    68. Yemen

    69. Zambia

    70. Zimbabwe

    Again, thanks to Human Rights Watch for this information. And here's another map from the ILGA.

    Correction: Some of the wording has been changed, see the blurb in the beginning. Some of the pictures have also been replaced.