28 Things Americans Say That Non-Americans Surprisingly Love, And 28 Things They Surprisingly Hate

    Non-Americans love "have a good one" and don't understand "it's three blocks away."

    1. Thing non-Americans love:

    "Have a good one" is my favorite American expression.

    Twitter: @baphil

    2. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how Americans say 'I have a question' before asking it instead of just asking it.

    Twitter: @DannyJaqq

    3. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how Americans pronounce "literally" their accent is A++!

    Twitter: @LauraaJanos
    Older woman who's exercising and raising her leg with text that says "Lit-er-uh-lee"

    4. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    what do Americans mean when they describe certain things as tasting like 'birthday cake flavour'😂

    Twitter: @PrincessOfPink7

    5. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    what do americans mean when they say something is 4 blocks away??like what is blocks?

    Twitter: @lec0it

    6. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean when they say something is corny ??

    Twitter: @papixvi
    an old woman on her tablet with text that reads "That's corny, like what?"

    7. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love when americans say i swear to God

    Twitter: @theesevyn

    8. Thing non-Americans love:

    i love when americans say STAT to make haste. is that just a movie thing or?

    Twitter: @loeyjams

    9. Thing non-Americans love:

    I LOVE when Americans say “are you FUCKING KIDDING me”

    Twitter: @onlygaysallowed

    10. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love when Americans say incredibly weird sounding shit like “I hope you take some value from this”

    Twitter: @earthdistance
    An older woman with the expression "I hope you take some value from this"

    11. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean when they say "finals"?

    Twitter: @DanielFielding

    12. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean by 2.5 baths?

    Twitter: @ferbieKuuji

    13. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    when americans say “i have a cute boy in my second period” wtf do they mean like what second period on what day???

    Twitter: @murdockanti

    14. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    @KristinBoymom What do Americans mean by 'pie'? Apple pie? Chicken, leak, and bacon suet pie?

    Twitter: @FairhurstMathew
    an older woman on her computer confused by pie

    15. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how #Americans say; "that's funny," whenever they aren't able to laugh at sth - b/c they actually didn't find it funny. #ThatsIronic

    Twitter: @annieLeBananie

    16. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how when Americans say duty it sounds like doody.

    Twitter: @jared_za

    17. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love when americans say "god dammit" It sounds so funny to me.

    Twitter: @GarethSmitty

    18. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love when americans say 'seriously' really dramatically

    Twitter: @jade_levs
    An older woman at a computer with the caption "Seriously"

    19. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do americans mean when they say dive bar? Is our equivalent just a pub?

    Twitter: @StretchArmSean

    20. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    When Americans say that people die for the flag for the freedom of Americans, what do they actually mean?

    Twitter: @Dayoaderibole

    21. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    Why do Americans say "double down" so frequently? Trying to figure out where this expression originated. It seems vaguely related to betting.

    Twitter: @conw_y

    22. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    Stupid question but what do Americans mean when they talk about a "sharpie"? Seen it mentioned in several tweets but no idea. Is it a pencil? A biro?

    Twitter: @Ljubica1
    an old woman covering her eyes with text that reads, "Sharpie..."

    23. Thing non-Americans love:

    " 'sup brah " is like my favorite american expression EVER

    Twitter: @datscland

    24. Thing non-Americans love:

    I Love when Americans say "I'm so stoked"

    Twitter: @NickPowell11

    25. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how Americans say “it’s been a minute since...” we don’t have that here. Probably because it doesn’t really make much sense, but I think it sounds so cute!

    Twitter: @Emilena__x

    26. Thing non-Americans love:

    i love how americans say "whole entire" when referring to all of something it's cute

    Twitter: @_hannahalice
    A smiling woman holding a globe with the caption "The whole entire world"

    27. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean when they say 401K?

    Twitter: @matt_welham

    28. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    OK what do Americans mean when they say like 7/4 Central hahah like the time lol

    Twitter: @_syahmishuhaidi

    29. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    Current status: googling what do Americans mean when they say "I do not disagree"

    Twitter: @ofirm

    30. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean when they say "bite me"? Are they vampires?

    Twitter: @steve196508
    an old woman thinking about the word bite me

    31. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how Americans say Happy Holidays. It's so cheery. Imagine saying Happy Holidays to someone here in Glasgow, you'd get f*cking punched

    Twitter: @VictoriaLWhyte

    32. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how americans say they need to "run errands"

    Twitter: @danii_elle13

    33. Thing non-Americans love:

    i love how americans say "a whole bunch" like u know "a whole bunch of stuff"

    Twitter: @jennifermadele

    34. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how Americans say they are fixing food. Was it broken?

    Twitter: @TimBrownson
    An older woman sitting at a table with her chin in her hand, with the caption "Fixing...food?"

    35. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What does it mean when Americans say “we lost an hour, it’s daylight saving”

    Twitter: @Hussle69

    36. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do americans mean when they speak of "living in the projects"??? What is a project???

    Twitter: @Mathapelo_Matz

    37. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    When Americans say "freshen up" eg "I'll just freshen up before dinner" what do they mean? What is our equivalent? Do we even have one.

    Twitter: @hoskas

    38. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do americans mean when they say drive stick? Like drive a manual car? Why do so many not know how to drive a manual car??????????????????

    Twitter: @amandalaulainwn
    an old woman alone on the couch

    39. Thing non-Americans love:

    My favorite American expression is "Chatty Cathy"

    Twitter: @cartelmike

    40. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love the way Americans say “Let’s meet for Starbucks” in the way other ppl say “let’s meet for coffee.” Acknowledges Starbucks != coffee

    Twitter: @northlandboy

    41. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love the way Americans say everything's "cute" :D

    Twitter: @amyrisastar

    42. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love the way Americans say “long time no see”

    Twitter: @Arrbousier
    An older woman sitting at a table with the caption "Long time...no see?"

    43. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean when they say "I'm just sayin'"? I hear it a lot on podcasts.

    Twitter: @dpinn

    44. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean when they say "spunky"? #someonepleasetellme

    Twitter: @EMILY_TFB_NY

    45. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean when they say biscuit? Is it a bread roll, a scone, something else?

    Twitter: @FayeDrilentine2

    46. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    @_Yumekii_ what do americans mean with 'grounded'? 😔

    Twitter: @angellibun
    an old woman alone in a room contemplating grounded

    47. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love when Americans say "good girl" or "good boy" to rescued animals @dodo 💘

    Twitter: @pippa_cl

    48. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love when Americans say ‘neat’ yeah!! Tidy!!

    Twitter: @SW1TCHH1TT3R

    49. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love how Americans say ‘Good job buddy’ to their kids 😂

    Twitter: @Miss_HAlfred

    50. Thing non-Americans love:

    I love when Americans say “matter of fact”

    Twitter: @la_xre

    51. Thing non-Americans love:

    i love when americans say “for real though” mmmmm yummy american accent mmmmm 😋 💗

    Twitter: @izzi_taylor
    An older woman looking at the camera with the caption "For real tho"

    52. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    what do americans mean when they say ivy league?

    Twitter: @HydaelynKnight

    53. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    What do Americans mean when they say Horse back riding?? Can they ride other parts of horse's anatomy?

    Twitter: @shahkhizar

    54. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    what do americans mean when they put creamer in their coffee. do they have milk?

    Twitter: @_mexxan

    55. Thing non-Americans are confused by:

    WAIT what do Americans mean when they say they’ve got to go pay their taxes ?? Are your taxes not automatically taken out of the money you earned before it even hits your bank acc

    Twitter: @sunflwercait

    56. And last but not least, thing non-Americans are confused by:

    Genuine question: What do Americans mean when they say "sending you love & light"? Like what even is light & what does it do?? 🤔

    Twitter: @awayonadventure
    an old woman